Monday 5 June 2017


A non-governmental organisation (NGO), Crisis Control Foundation (CCF), has given thumbs up to the Federal Government over its whistle-blower policy in the war against corruption and has therefore promised assistance in this regard.
The group is a human rights, anti-corruption outfit and believed to be affiliated to ICPC, EFCC and other anti-graft agencies and all the security agencies,
Director of Intelligence/Human Rights of the Foundation, Mr. Eusebio Substance Eke, who stated this in Aba, Abia State, said the group was all out to work with the Federal Government in the anti-corruption using the whistle-blower method.

Eke commended the Federal Government for the introduction of the whistle-blower policy which he said has changed the face of corruption fighting in the country.
“In this era of whistle-blowing, our people are out there finding what to tell the authorities, we are happy with the whistle-blowing policy of the federal government and we are really going to help out. The policy is one of the best things to have happened in this country because the level of corruption in this country is becoming astronomical and with the policy, a lot of stolen funds will be recovered and put back in the economy”.
Eke also commended the governor of Abia State, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu for introducing the whistle-blower policy in the state by promising to pay anyone who gives information that will lead to the arrest of kidnappers N1 million cash.
He urged all Abians to cash in on this and expose those who have been making life unbearable for the people. This is as he equally urged the people to make use of the emergency telephone numbers provided by government to reach out to security agencies in the state.
Legal adviser of the Foundation, Mrs. Nkechi Nwaogu, regretted that people have not taken the opportunity CCF has provided to them, stressing that apart from helping in fighting corruption, the Foundation also fight against human rights abuses, illegal arrests and detentions, intimidation by law enforcement agencies and arbitration of marital and trade disputes among others.
While stating that CCF equally explore alternative dispute resolution as a tool in conflict resolution, Mrs. Nwaogu said even before the federal government introduced the whistle-blower policy, the Foundation had already started it by mandating their members to report any illegality around them to security agencies.
“Last year for instance, we handed over 16 girls who we discovered in a baby making factory to the police and we do other things like that. But we need the help of the public; we can not do without them”, she said.
HRH (Eze) Igwe Abraham Oke, the traditional ruler of Awuja-Akanu Item in Bende Local Government and a member of the Foundation said CCF is in partnership with the traditional institution in the area of alternative to conflict resolution which has help the society tremendously.
Eze Oke advised people to always avail themselves of the opportunity provided by the Foundation to report any issue that is bothering them so that it can be resolved amicably at no cost to them.
“We call on people to come and join the Foundation so that we will be able to deal with societal ills”.

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